- Kierowca CE 3500-3700 euro na rękę, praca jako kierowca ASMO TASK FORCE Oferujemy: Pensję 3500-3700 EURO netto (na rękę) Pracę na podstawie niemieckiej umowy o pracę na czas nieokreślony i niemieckie świadczenia socjalne Dedykowanego polskiego koordynatora...
- Kierowca C+E w transporcie krajowym PL Wynagrodzenie 6400-7400 Ciągnik siodłowy z naczepą Firanka Praca od poniedziałku do piątku Różne formy zatrudnienia wg preferencji Umowa o prace B2B Umowa zlecenie Samochody Euro6 , ,
- REKRUTUJEMY Kierowców C+E CYSTERNA ADR Miejsce pracy: DORTMUND (DE) System: 2/2 Wynagrodzenie: 2115 euro netto- STK. 1 2200 euro netto- STK.3 Trasy krajowe i międzynarodowe Umowa podpisywana z niemiecką siedzibą firmy Oczekujemy: doświadczenia min...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- POSZUKIWANY Kierowca C+E AUTOTRANSPORTER Miejsce pracy: LEER (DE) System: 2/2 ,trasy lokalne po Niemczech Umowa podpisywana z niemiecką siedzibą firmy Wynagrodzenie: 2200 euro netto Oczekujemy: - znajomości języka niemieckiego lub angielskiego w stopniu...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Rekrutujemy dyspozytorów dla niemieckiej firmy w Aachen SYSTEM 2/2- 2 000 euro netto Nasze oczekiwania: - minimum roczne doświadczenie na podobnym stanowisku - komunikatywny język niemiecki i angielski - dobra organizacja czasu pracy i samodzielność w podejmowaniu...
- W transporcie krajowym I MIEDZYNARODOWYM , Polska -UE-PL, POJEDYNCZE i PO 2 obsady , wyjazdy z GROJCA, kolka do hiszpani,portugali,francji,wloch,czech,slowacji,wegier,austri, ciągniki siodłowe SCANIA TOPLINE + naczepy firanki i chłodnie. MOZLIWE 2/2 Własna...
- Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. With 20 years of experience...Удалённая работа
- Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. With 20 years of experience...Удалённая работа
- Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. With 20 years of experience...Удалённая работа
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description dxFeed is a leading provider of data services for the capital markets industry. The company sources and stores direct market data feeds from various exchanges and market participants worldwide. dxFeed has built one of the most comprehensive ticker plants...
- Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further! The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty. With 20 years of experience...Удалённая работа
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...
- Company Description Devexperts works with respected financial institutions, delivering products and tailor-made solutions for retail and brokerage houses, exchanges, and buy-side firms. The company focuses on trading platforms and brokerage automation, complex software...